Columbia Root Canal Therapy

If your tooth hurts, you may need one of these. This procedure will begin relieving you of pain almost immediately after being done.

Root Canal Therapy

Welcome to Design Dentistry Columbia, where Dr. Isaiah Davis provides expert root canal therapy in Columbia, SC. Our office is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care to all of our patients, and Dr. Davis is committed to delivering the best dental care possible. With our state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff, you can trust that you will be in good hands. To book an appointment, call us today at 803-667-3919.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

At Design Dentistry Columbia, Dr. Isaiah Davis offers root canal therapy to help relieve pain and restore the health of teeth. Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat infected or damaged teeth. It involves removing the infected or damaged pulp from the center of the tooth and replacing it with a special material. This helps to protect the tooth from further damage and restore it to its original shape and function.

Root canal therapy can provide many benefits, including reducing pain and discomfort, restoring the tooth’s strength and structure, and preventing further damage to the tooth. Additionally, it can help to prevent the spread of infection and protect the surrounding teeth from damage. With proper care and maintenance, root canal therapy can help to restore the health of your teeth and provide long-term relief from pain and discomfort.

Overview of the Procedure

Root canal therapy is a dental procedure used to treat infection and inflammation of the tooth pulp. It is a common and successful treatment for restoring a damaged or diseased tooth. At Design Dentistry Columbia, Dr. Isaiah Davis is an experienced and knowledgeable dentist who specializes in root canal therapy. He is committed to providing the highest quality care and making sure that his patients are comfortable and relaxed throughout the entire process. 

Dr. Isaiah Davis will begin the root canal therapy by numbing the area around the tooth and then removing the infected pulp from the tooth. He will then clean and shape the inside of the tooth before sealing it with a permanent filling. After the procedure is complete, the tooth will be restored to its natural strength and function. With proper care and regular dental visits, the tooth can last for many years to come.

Preparing for Root Canal Therapy

Design Dentistry Columbia provides root canal therapy to help patients restore their teeth and maintain a healthy smile. Our experienced dentist, Dr. Isaiah Davis, will provide a thorough examination to determine if root canal therapy is the best course of treatment. 

Prior to the procedure, Dr. Isaiah Davis may take X-rays to assess the condition of the tooth. During the root canal procedure, the dentist will remove the infected or damaged pulp from the tooth, clean and shape the canal, and fill the tooth. After the procedure is complete, a dental crown may be placed to protect the tooth and restore its function. 

At Design Dentistry Columbia, we strive to provide our patients with the highest quality of care. Our team will ensure that you are fully prepared for your root canal procedure and provide you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Aftercare Instructions

Root Canal Therapy is a common procedure used to treat infection and decay in the inner layers of the tooth. After the procedure, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your dentist, Dr. Isaiah Davis. To ensure a successful recovery, you should avoid eating hard or crunchy foods, as well as foods that are too hot or cold. Additionally, you should brush and floss your teeth as normal, but avoid the treated area for the first 24 hours. If you experience any pain or swelling, contact your dentist right away. 

Design Dentistry Columbia offers Root Canal Therapy with the highest quality of care. Dr. Isaiah Davis is an experienced and knowledgeable dentist who is dedicated to providing the best possible treatment for his patients. He will work with you to create a personalized plan to ensure a successful recovery and long-lasting results. With Design Dentistry Columbia, you can trust that you are receiving the best care available.

Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is a procedure used to treat an infected or damaged tooth. While it is an effective treatment, there are alternatives available. 

One alternative to root canal therapy is a dental crown. A crown is a cap that fits over the entire tooth and is made of porcelain, ceramic, or metal. This helps to protect the tooth from further damage and can also improve the appearance of the tooth. 

Another alternative is a dental bridge. A bridge is a false tooth that is held in place by two crowns on either side of the missing tooth. This helps to restore the appearance of the smile and also helps to prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting. 

If you're in need of other dental related services, contact your Columbia dentist today!

Book Your Appointment Today!

Design Dentistry Columbia offers Root Canal Therapy. Call 803-667-3919 to book your appointment today with the experienced dentist. Visit our contact us page for more information. Read reviews on Google Maps to learn more about the dentist.

Key Takeaways:

  • Root Canal Therapy is a common and successful treatment for restoring a damaged or diseased tooth
  • Prior to the procedure, Dr. Isaiah Davis may take X-rays to assess the condition of the tooth
  • After the procedure, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your dentist
  • Alternatives to Root Canal Therapy include dental crowns and bridges


  • What is root canal therapy?

    Root canal therapy is a dental procedure that involves removing the infected pulp from the root of a tooth and replacing it with a filling material. 

  • What are the benefits of root canal therapy?

    Root canal therapy can help to prevent the spread of infection and can help to restore the function of the tooth.

  • What are the risks of root canal therapy?

    The risks of root canal therapy include the possibility of infection and the potential for further damage to the tooth.

  • How long does root canal therapy take?

    Root canal therapy typically takes one to two visits to complete, each lasting about an hour. 

  • What should I expect after the procedure?

    After the procedure, you may experience some soreness and sensitivity for a few days. It is important to follow your dentist's instructions for after care.

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